About Moore and Company

Moore and Company, a Pacific Northwest Real Estate firm headquartered in Bellingham, Washington, serves as Broker and site locator for commercial and industrial properties. We are prepared to serve as the real estate arm of our clients, enabling them to benefit from our broad experience in leasing and sales. As a service company, we recognize that our people are our most important asset. We are able to call as needed upon professional and support personnel who form appropriate teams to meet the individual requirements of our clients.
Through our years of experience in the real estate industry, we have developed relationships of mutual trust and understanding with architects, attorneys, CPA's, brokers nationwide and various types of contractors. Because of the diversity of our own experience and the interplay of proven supplementary professionals, we can provide clients with the unique advantages of a total real estate company.
Our daily contact with owners of real estate and prospects gives us an overview of the marketplace. Combining our extensive knowledge of the market with our ability to draw upon our support personnel, our sales and leasing agents are well equipped to evaluate proposals for their clients. For negotiation leading to the execution of contracts, you can expect alert responsiveness and experienced professionalism from Moore and Company.

Our impact on Whatcom County has been impressive. We are the only Commercial/Industrial Real Estate office in Whatcom County handling only the sale and leasing of non-residential property. As an example of the impact, we do a good portion of our business by referrals from the agents and brokers of other real estate offices.
Another strong aspect is our networking. Referrals are our strongest business generator, second only to our signs. We get referrals from agents and brokers from Whatcom County and as far away as Portland, Seattle and Vancouver, BC. The Bellingham/Whatcom Chamber of Commerce, the Whatcom Economic Development Council, local architects, attorneys, CPA’s, builders and other professionals all send clients they are in contact with our way. We have a strong reputation in the community for being fair, honest and straightforward in our business practices.
Moore and Company is large enough to handle any challenge in commercial and industrial real estate. We are proud of our growth, yet we are committed to our policy of devoting personal attention to each of our activities. We look forward to working with you to the benefit of both yourself and to the community.